Learn Inner Relationship Focusing

The Essentials of Focusing

Live, Online Inner Relationship Focusing Training Programs

In these courses, you will develop and deepen non-judgmental self-acceptance. By learning how to connect with yourself in a deeply loving and trusting way, you can access your inner wisdom and open up to emotional healing and personal growth.

Learning and experiencing the essentials of Focusing will allow you to develop a greater sense of self-awareness, improve your emotional regulation, and enhance your ability to connect with others on a deeper level.

Focusing can help you work through difficult issues such as action blocks, addictions, depressed and anxious feelings and experiences of low self-worth. Not only does it address particular problem areas, but Focusing is also adaptable to any issue, including relationship issues, decision-making, and creative processes.

What is Included:

  • A 1:1 meeting with teacher (Level One only). This is for you to receive a  class orientation, get a taste of a guided Focusing session and to feel safe and comfortable in beginning the course.
  • 5 or 9 classes (depending on Level. See below for length of each Level)
  • Access to your personal class portal where you can access all class materials and have discusssions with other students and the teacher.
  • A digital copy of the Focusing Student and Companion’s Manual, Part 1 by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin
  • Skills to last a lifetime

See below for information on all 4 Levels, including dates and registration.

Upon completion of all levels, your teacher can receommend you for a Proficiency in Focusing Partnership Award offered by The International Focusing Institute.


The Foundations of Inner Relationship Focusing: Encountering the Inner Relationship

5-week course

Prerequisite: 1:1 pre-class meeting with Teacher

In Level One, you will
…Learn to notice what is going on inside without judging or labeling
…Gain the capacity to turn toward what you are feeling – whether quiet & subtle, strong or scary
…Experience the radical concept of changing by not trying
…Learn how to create an inner environment where change is possible
…Practice the power of inner empathy



Level Two: Being with the Inner Relationship

5 week course

Prerequisite: Completion of Level One

In level two, you will build upon the foundations of level one. Learn to become a nurturing companion in a Focusing process – whether another person’s process or your own.

You will experience how presence comes in Focusing partnership and  learn ways to support presence in the Focusing process.



Supporting and Facilitating the Inner Relationship

Level Three and Four are offered as one 9-week course

Prerequisite: Completion of Level One & Level Two

In this final course of Learning Focusing, you will go deeper into the shape of the Focusing process. Now you can revisit the simplicity and gentleness of the process and find out more skills when you encounter deeper layers. Plus, learn ways to facilitate the process for a partner or yourself.

Upon completion of all levels, your teacher can receommend you for a Proficiency in Focusing Partnership Award offered by The International Focusing Institute.



This class is a live, online course on Zoom. The full course is 4 levels with Level One and Two taught in seperate 5 week courses. Level 3 & 4 are taught as one 9 week course. Class meets for 2 hours each week where you will learn the Focusing process, have the oportunity to discuss and ask questions plus practice so you can experience the process. Your class manual, additional content and class resources will be accessible on your class portal.

Outside of class, you will have paired partnerships where you can practice what you’ve learned in class. These partnerships will be short and only take about 30 minutes total. As you move through the levels, you may choose to have longer paired practice.

Each level must have at least 4 students for the class to make.

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